St. Xavier's School, Rampura Phul, is administered by the Registered Society of Pilar, Punjab-Haryana, a branch of the Society of Pilar, Goa. It was established in 1994 and is affiliated to CBSE (Affiliation No. 1630125). It is a minority institution, established under Art. 30 (#1) of the Constitution of India. The society of the missionaries of St. Francis Xavier,Pilar,Commonly know as the Society of Pilar was found on the 26th September 1887 by Fr.Bento Martins who was an ordinary priest with an extraordinary vision. Inspired by the zeal to make Jesus Christ Known,he formed a group of like-mided priests and named the society after the great Missionary, St.Francis Xavier.
St. Francis Xavier who was born in Spain in 1506 to a noble family, was influenced by Ignatious Loyola. Ignatious Loyola who started the Society of Jesus, recruited Francis Xavier into this order. St. Francis Xavier who landed in Goa during 1542 specifically to stem the rot amongst the faithful, in a short period of time caused a major awakening. He was instrumental in building many churches and institutions in Goa and elsewhere. He travelled across Malacca, China and Japan. St. Francis Xavier, the patron saint of Goa, affectionately called as Goencho saiba or Lord of Goa died in 1552 on his way to China. The body brought in 1554 to Goa, is kept in the Basilica of Bom Jesus. The sacred relic of St. Francis Xavier normally housed in a silver casket in the Bom Jesus church, is brought in a ceremonious procession by several priests to the SE cathedral every 10 years for an exposition. He was beatified by Pope Paul V in 1619 and canonized together with St. Ignatius by Pope Gregory XV, on March 12th, 1622.
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